Varnish in Shared Web Hosting
If you host your sites in a shared web hosting account with our company, you’ll be able to activate Varnish with a few mouse clicks through your Control Panel. The data caching platform is available as an upgrade with all our web hosting packages and you can choose the number of the sites that will use it and the maximum amount of system memory that will be used for the cached content. The two features that can be upgraded in the Upgrades section of the Control Panel are the amount of system memory and the number of instances and they’re not tied directly to each other, so you can decide if you want a lot of memory for a single large-sized site or less memory for several smaller ones. You can unleash the full potential of Varnish if the sites use a dedicated IP. With the Control Panel, you can quickly start/restart/terminate an instance, delete the cached contents individually for each website which uses the Varnish platform or see an elaborate log file.
Varnish in Semi-dedicated Servers
The Varnish data caching platform is an essential part of the basic set of services that you will receive if you decide to host your websites under a semi-dedicated server account. You can enable it for any of your Internet sites via our advanced Hepsia Control Panel. The default amount of memory that the Varnish caching platform can use to cache content is 64 megabytes, but if you decide that you need more, you can upgrade this memory from the Upgrades section of the Control Panel. You can also upgrade the Varnish instances, in other words – the number of the websites that can use this platform at the same time. Since these two things are not bound to each other, you can use several Internet sites with the default memory or you can order more memory in increments of 32 megabytes and use all of it for one single web site. The Varnish platform works best when you allocate a dedicated IP to the Internet sites that utilize its power. The Hepsia Control Panel will provide you with an easy means of rebooting any instance. What’s more, you will be able to delete the cached data with only one single mouse click.