Anytime you upload information on a web hosting server, it requires an amount of storage space on the hdd dependent on its particular size. If you run a script-driven site which keeps its data in a database, it will take more space, the more people use it. For instance, in case you have a message board, the greater amount of responses people leave, the greater the database shall get. Messages, particularly ones having attachments, also require some space in the web hosting account. The hard disk space quota that you will get with each shared web hosting provider is the full amount of data you can have at any moment, it includes website files, emails as well as databases. Likewise, a home computer has a hard drive and the computer software installed on it and all the documents and music files that you make or download take some disk space, which cannot exceed the full capacity of your hdd.

Disk Space in Shared Web Hosting

To match the processing potential behind all our cloud website hosting packages, we've studied and employed the very best system related to disk space - your hosting account will not be made using a single server, but on a cluster platform. For that reason, what we've designed is a whole group of servers that is dedicated to the file storage only, so you should never concern yourself with not having enough hard drive space and having to switch to an additional server since your current one can not accommodate more info. In the event that extra space is necessary, we attach extra machines to our cluster, so the hard drive space is unlimited. Needless to say, our shared web hosting are intended to be employed for websites, not for a collection of large files. We also have distinct machines for all the databases as well as the emails.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated server plans have "disk space" as a feature just to highlight that it is absolutely limitless. We're able to achieve that by using a cutting-edge, tailor-made cloud hosting platform, where your databases, emails and files will be stored on independent clusters of servers. We are able to add extra hard disks or whole servers to any of the clusters and whenever necessary, and our hosting Control Panel was created to function with this type of system. By contrast, the vast majority of Control Panels on the hosting market can work only on one server, and regardless of what various companies promote, they really generate a number of accounts on a single machine. Employing a semi-dedicated server package from us, you will never have to worry about disk storage limits and you can focus on expanding your sites.